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Wed, Dec 06, 23.

Obadiah Summary

“Deliverers will go up from Mount Zion to govern the mountain of Esau. And the kingdom will be Yahweh’s.” [Oba 1:21]

Avenging Judah and Punishing the Violation of Zion

“Just as you drank on my holy hill, so all the nations will drink continually…” Obadiah

Esau’s Sin

  1. Esau’s sin against Judah – [Oba 1:10-14] In the day of Judah’s calamity
  2. He stood aloof and did not help him – [Oba 1:11]
  3. He looked down on his brother Judah – [Oba 1:12,13]
  4. He rejoiced over his fall – [Oba 1:12]
  5. He boasted over his brother Judah – [Oba 1:12]
  6. He joined in looting Judah’s wealth – [Oba 1:13]
  7. For these sins against Judah, Esau will be punished

The Fall & Punishment of Esau

  1. The nations will gather against Esau – [Oba 1:1]
  2. Esau will be betrayed and deceived by his allies – [Oba 1:7]
  3. His treasures will be completely looted – [Oba 1:5-6]

The Day of Yahweh

  1. Yahweh will severely judge the nations for violating and not observing his holiness and drinking on his holy hill – [Oba 1:16]
  2. Yahweh will judge all the nations on the day he has appointed – [Oba 1:15]

Zion in the day of Yahweh

  1. While the nations are punished for their sins against Yahweh – [Oba 1:15-16] – Israel’s/Zion’s experience will be the very opposite
    1. On Mount Zion there will be deliverance – [Oba 1:17]
    2. Israel -, the house of Jacob, will possess her inheritance, i.e., the land of Israel – [Oba 1:17]
    3. The House of Jacob and Joseph will destroy Edom – [Oba 1:18]
    4. They will totally destroy Edom leaving no survivor – [Oba 1:18]
    5. The Philistines too will be judged as their land and the mountain of Esau will be occupied by other peoples (Israelites?) – [Oba 1:19]

The Kingdom—after/in the day of Yahweh

  1. The mountain of Esau and the land of the Philistines will be occupied by a different people – [Oba 1:19]
  2. Deliverers from Mount Zion will govern the mountains of Esau – [Oba 1:21]

Main Characters in Obadiah’s Prophecy

  1. Yahweh
  2. Judah
  3. Captives of Israel
  4. Edom
  5. The Nations
  6. Delivers from Mount Zion
  7. The Philistines

Cities, Nations and Peoples in Obadiah’s Prophecy

  1. Judah
  2. Mount Zion
  3. Edom
  4. Teman [Oba 1:9]
  5. The mountains of Esau [Oba 1:8,9,21]
  6. Edom’s allies/friends and dependents [Oba 1:7]
  7. The Nations [Oba 1:1,15]
  8. Delivers from Mount Zion [Oba 1:21]
  9. The people from the Negev
    1. They will occupy the mountains of Esau [Oba 1:19]
  10. The towns of the Negev
    1. Which will be possessed by exiles from Jerusalem in Sepharad [Oba 1:20]
  11. The land of the Philistines
    1. which will be possessed by people from the foothills [Oba 1:19]
  12. People from the foothills
    1. They will possess the land of he Philistines [Oba 1:19]
    2. They will occupy the fields of Ephraim and Samaria [Oba 1:19]
  13. Exiles from Jerusalem who are in Sepharad
    1. They will possess the towns of the Negev [Oba 1:20]
  14. The tribe of Benjamin
    1. Which will be possess Gilead [Oba 1:19]
  15. Gilead
    1. Which will be possessed by Benjamin [Oba 1:19]

The Conflict of Obadiah’s Prophecy

  1. Esau’s treatment of his brother Judah [Oba 1:10-14]
  2. The desecration of Yahweh’s holy hill by the nations [Oba 1:15-16]

Major Events & Turning Points in Obadiah’s Prophecy

  1. The day of Judah’s calamity—Yahweh punishes Judah
  2. Edom betrays Judah
  3. The nations desecrate Yahweh’s holy hill failing to observe his holiness
  4. Yahweh punishes Esau using the nations [Oba 1:1,7] and by Israelites [Oba 1:18]
  5. Yahweh punishes the nations using his people

The Resurrection of the dead in Obadiah’s Prophecy

“But on Mount Zion will be deliverance; it will be holy, and the house of Jacob will possess its inheritance.” [Oba 1:17]

  1. There is no strong or clear indication of the resurrection of the dead in Obadiah’s prophecy, nevertheless, it is not absent
  2. The deliverance that will take place on mount Zion [Oba 1:17] could actually be a reference to resurrection—a deliverance from death.
The Day of Yahweh [Oba 1:15]
Esau betrays Judah [Oba 1:11-14]
The day of Judah’s calamity [Oba 1:11-14]
The Nations desecrate Zion [Oba 1:11-14]
Esau’s Friends & Dependents deceive him and overpower him [Oba 1:17]
Israel Reclaims Her Land [Oba 1:17]
Resurrecting of the dead [Oba 1:11-17]
Deliverance on Mount Zion [Oba 1:17]
The house of Esau is destroyed by Israel [Oba 1:18]
The mountains of Esau occupied and governed by Israel [Oba 1:19-21]
The nations’ desecration of Yahweh’s holy hill is punished [Oba 1:11-14]
The nations serving their punishment—drinking continually [Oba 1:15-16]
Judah in exile [Oba 1:10-14,20]
The Kingdom of Yahweh [Oba 1:15]
Avenging Judah and Punishing the Violation of Zion
“Just as you drank on my holy hill, so all the nations will drink continually…” Oba 1:16